
We believe in God-centered worship. As we gather on the Lord’s Day (Sunday), the day which God has set apart for worship, we come together to give Him the glory that is due His name.

We should not come together primarily to feel better or to be entertained, but to reverently honor and praise God.

Our primary desire is not to accommodate our worship to what pleases men, but to give to the Lord the worship that pleases Him.

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What kind of worship pleases the Lord? Does it really matter how He is worshipped? We believe it does matter, especially to God.

God has not left us to our own imaginations or devices, but has told us in His word how He is to be worshiped.

The Bible prescribes for us not only the proper attitudes of worship, but also the basic elements of worship, which are: the reading and preaching of Scripture, prayer and praise, the observance of the ordinances (Baptism and the Lord's Supper) and giving of our offerings to the Lord.

We highly esteem the preaching of God's Word because it is through the proclamation of the holy scriptures that God saves sinners and grows His people.

It is our prayer that as you join us in the worship of the triune God, you may know the great grace of God in Jesus Christ.